
Alexander completed his graduate studies in media economics at the RFH Cologne in 2008. Later on, he received the possibility to pursue his master’s degree in Economics as a Fulbright Scholar at the Texas A&M University in the United States (2010).

Parallel to his studies he founded and managed three small businesses – the web development and print design company “Ronge Design”, the booking and event agency “Kellergeister06” and the eSports Club “nGize eSports”.

In 2011, Alexander began his career at the Bertelsmann company AZ Direct GmbH (Direct Marketing and CRM service provider) where he was a Sales Manager for the retail, mail order and eCommerce industries. In 2013 he transferred to arvato distribution GmbH where he was a project manager for international eCommerce projects.

In 2014 he founded together with Stefan Mrozek the startup company match it GmbH which provides an online platform for easy and convenient travel planning and booking with friends.

From 2016 to 2021 Alexander worked at the international consulting company CGI. His expertise ranges from requirements engineering, process analysis and optimization, project management, test management to incident management while leading frontend, backend as well as security experts.

Since 2022 he is Senior Manager at Exxeta AG focussing on areas such as cloud development and manufacturing.